What do you do with a new beekeepers smoker an old chair and a dead hard drive.

A smoker is used to calm the bees in a honey bee hives to do that you burn things like washed burlap. When you get a smoldering fire going its hard to put out. That's what I use the chair for. First take the chair and rip the back off. you only need one of the back rails.

Building the perfect bee smoker for beekeepers

Then pull one of the rails off the chair back. The hard wood makes a good stopper.

Building the perfect bee smoker for beekeepers

Now take the raill and cut the end off to make the stopper.

Building the perfect bee smoker for beekeepers

Now you can use the end of the rail as a stopper to put out the fire in your bee smoker when you are done with it.

The Hive Tool Holder

Now find an old hard drive like this one.

Building the perfect bee smoker for beekeepers

Now take the top off the hard drive so you can make your hive tool holder.

Building the perfect bee smoker for beekeepers.

Inside you will find some very strong magnets this is the only part you need out of the drive. You might have to grind down the bracket so its flat.

Building the perfect bee smoker for beekeepers 

Do NOT get the  magnets close to each other or they can come to together with enough force to shatter them. they work better if they are in one peace!

My old bee smoker and the new bee smoker.

Building the perfect bee smoker for beekeepers

Although the old Bee smoker still works its almost rusted through in spots so I got a stainless steel bee smoker this time.

Now To keep the Hive Tool and Bee Smoker handy.

Well take a magnet harvested from the old drive and glue it to the back of the bee smoker with JB Weld epoxy. You can see I placed the magnet on the side of my old bee smoker on my new bee smoker I placed it in the middle so it will be out of the way when using the smoker left handed.

Building the perfect bee smoker for beekeepers

I placed this magnet low on the bellows so I have leverage on the Hive tool to remove it easily. They are very strong magnets. I don't worry about the looks of the glue it will be covered in Propelis soon enough.

Building the perfect bee smoker for beekeepers

There you have it my new bee smoker is ready to use. The cost of my bee smoker mods was a whopping $0.00 dollars. Got the hard drive from a junk pile at a ham fest and the chair from someone that was throwing it away.

Building the perfect bee smoker for beekeepers

My new bee smoker ready to work some bees like this Hive.

Honey bee Rescue!!

Honey bee Rescue!! 

This bee hive was rescued from a valve box and is doing well with a new queen and Hive to live in. If you have a honey bee hive like this one Email me...


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